
Partnering with CMI


By focusing on equity investments in emerging institutions, CMI is a true growth partner.

CMI’s objective is not only to provide MFIs with the funding necessary to strengthen their capital base and enable additional loan funding, but also to provide these MFIs with the recognized expertise of ASA and Sequoia management that they need to achieve efficient and effective growth.

Accordingly, CMI ensures that its investment process is efficient and non-bureaucratic. CMI greatly values the expertise and knowledge developed by top-performing local institutions and seeks to tailor its investments to the needs of our MFI partners, offering equity, debt and convertible debt instruments.

CMI has developed a simple set of reporting requirements and a quick due diligence period, enabling flexibility and rapid access to funding for the MFI. At the time of exit, after five to seven years, CMI will ensure that each of the MFIs has developed stable and sustainable operations and competent management capacity.